Qualia and Time Sense

Qualia and Time Sense

Qualia and Time Sense

Qualia and Time Sense

Qualia is sensitive experience

Qualia and Time Perception


Qualia are the subjective or qualitative properties of experiences

Qualia is qualities of awareness

See also:
it feels like, experimentally, to see a red rose is different from what
it feels like to see a yellow rose. Likewise for hearing a musical note
played by a piano and hearing the same musical note played by a tuba.

The qualia of these experiences are what give each of them its characteristic “feel” and also what distinguish them from one another.

Qualia have traditionally been thought to be intrinsic qualities of experience that are directly available to introspection. However, some philosophers offer theories of qualia that deny one or both of those features.

Qualia, standard psychology, neuroscience, and philosophy term: 

word Qualia refers to the range of ways in which experience presents
itself. Experiences can be richly colored or bare and monochromatic,
they can be spatial and kinesthetic or devoid of geometry and
directions, they can be flavorfully blended or felt as coming from
mutually unintelligible dimensions, and so on.

Classic qualia examples include things like the redness of red, the tartness of lime, and the glow of bodily warmth.

However, qualia extends into categories far beyond the classic examples, beyond the wildest of our common-sense conceptions.

are modes of experience as altogether different from everything we have
ever experienced as vision qualia is different from sound qualia.

Qualia and Time Sense

Philosophy of perception


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